The 12 Commandments
1) Thout shalt not lose in any battle of any kind, if thus occurs the ninja will be killed
on the spot, with a kick of some sort
2) Thout shalt not smell [a smelly ninja can not truly be called a ninja, because all thout would have to do would be
to lift up an armpit and force the enemy to surrender]
3) Thout shalt not "Wannabe" [such as posing, pretending to be a ninja if you are not, and anything of that nature, because
that makes ninjas look faggy]
4) Thus shalt always help a ninja in distress [even if the ninja is a tratior, it is still the proper thing to help him
get up, clean him off and kill him]
5) Thout shalt clean behind ones ears [cause a smelly ninja isn't a happy ninja]
6) Thout shalt refer to as one would do with a bible [ because in a way, this site is a way of life]
7) Thout shalt NEVER wear a outfit that includes these colors: Blue, Green, purple, Maroon and Yellow (which has
some expections) [because a ninja not only needs to smell good, (s)he should look good 2]
8) Thout shalt never be caught listening to "GreenDay or SUM 41" [again, cause that would persuade people to think nninjas
are gay (which we're not) ]
9) Thus shalt Shamasize (to run away fast and hide when you have to do chores) [This is self explanitory... NINJAS
10) Thus shaalt not interact in anyway with a Samurai or Pirate!!! [because that would make you a tratior or a spy, then
u get ur ass kicked by cool Ninjas (like me) ]
11) Thout should be open to change [ cause wen ur open to change, U can become more powerful than me!!! (pfft as if)
12) Thout shalt respect the guestbook and all the entries inside [so we can make a better site!]