
Ninja Turtles
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                          Ninja Turtles               By Rob
      Ninja Turtles...Best Friends of Rat ninjas lets face it...if there werent bad guys ...there wouldnt be ninjas. or ninjas would just be regular people....with super powers....which would actually make them wizards wizards are like retired ninjas because they are old and they get a bones disease called osteoperosis.
      Sometimes wizards are so old that they try to take over the world these power hungry wizards are sometimes called Evil Wizard. Evil Wizards have no control over their bowell movements.. so they wear magic Depends...those are diapers for old retired evel ninjas who are trying to take over the world. Evil Wizards hate hobbits.
      Sometimes evil wizards join evil supervillains who make rings...rings with special powers..hobbits like to go into caves and find these rings and make friends with goblins. goblins are in the same family as turtles and bullfrogs. sometimes the super ninja GOD makes frogs that climb trees. anyway.. these super villains who make rings like to wear full body armor and super villain who wears a mask is Shredder..
      Shredder is the arch enemy of time when splinter was in a small cage and a baby ninja rat .... shredder wasnt wearing a mask and was fighting splinters master...then shredder killed splinters master... then shredder fought splinter and splinter cut his face...then shredder started wearing a mask and shoulder pads with spikes on them so he could fight more ninjas. one day some small baby turtles were cralling in a sewer and primortial ooze spilled on them.... then the mutated into prepubecsent unskilled ninja turtles..they could not even fly or glide...
      Then splinter found them and trained them and nursed them through puberty. when there shellls were finally hard.. they could fight.
1) they love pizza and garfeild loves lasagna... Wait does that make garfeild a Ninja?

2) because i wish i had a poster, backpack, and t-shirt of them
3) because one of them skateboards
4) because they live in a sewer (and sewers rule)
5) because they use cool weapons (like a stick)
6) because they wear head bands
7) because they put a guy in a trash can and they go to arcades and F shit up
8) because they know a guy with a goalie mask and a goalie stick and he dates a reporter and he F's shit up too
9) i have a sweet hat
by Rob...dont worry i have much more of this crap to come soon very soon

this is in no way related with our site, this is a site by ROB, and only ROB

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