
About James
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                     About Me
  South Park 801 Good Times With Weapons

Best Movie, 3 Ninjas (1993)

Tum Tum: Can I be Monster Destroyer? Or how about Super Killer?
Colt: How about Super Dork?

Fester: Hey dude, what time does school get out?
Hammer: I don't know. I never stayed to the end.

Fester: This kidnapping is so much better than armed robbery.
Hammer: Yeah I never got a pizza on a robbery.

Fester: Okay, none of you little dudes move until those two dudes get back!

Rocky: We should run.
Tum Tum: We should hide.
Colt: We should kick their butts!

Colt: I'm Colt because I'm fast, he's Rocky because he's solid and he's Tum-Tum because he'll eat anything.
Tum Tum: I won't eat dog poop.
                       Good Stuff............