Here you can see yours and other peoples sightings of ninjas.
Name: Steven Davenport
From: Sproat Lake BC canada
One day i was walking down the street with my girlfriend jessica malagarea (shes nice) and then..... i cant even type the
feeling...I was........i was kicked in the head by a ninja named KIM-JON-ILL wearing colemans t-shirt and he....he...did a
sweet ninja move on jessica.she later died on the operating table, but back to the story. So he killed jessica them he set...set..set
her on fire........and he ripped her head off and ate it.then he got into cams dads car and drove off.
Name: Branden D'ARSIE
From: Port Alberni BC canada
It was last christmas, and i got tickets to an Elton John concert. So i went, it was soo awesome, then i was given back stage
passes and i was sooo pumped. Then i saw elton john changing in front of a ninja. I was shocked!! then i ran as fast as i
could but the ninja saw me and was chasing me through this gay niteclub called the toolbox. Just when i thought i lost him
he found me.He did a sweet frontflip karate chop then he dropkicked me through a tv, setting me on fire. Turns out he was
after Jessica Malageara and he heard i was her boyfriend.He jumped really high and stabbed me with a sharp stick of french
bread. Now the awesome part....... Turns out jessica was at the toolbox with her brother and dawn. You should have seen the
look on his face.he did a ultra ninja headive backflip super deoderant spray, attempting to kill their smell. (Ninjas cant
kill someone who smells bad, its in the ninja bible - ninja webmaster red) Soon the smell started killing the ninja, i watched
in aww as the ninja suffered, but as you know ninjas never travel without forks.It was soo sad watching him kill all of them
with his large fork.
Full Name:Ashlyn
From: that place where that dude lives.....i think
My name is...Ashlyn Ashanti-melendiz-ball-suckeros-bigmaenz, i am 12 and i am looking for a life long realationship.Likes
Possum stew, dislikes my moms pimp slim. turn ons.. long walks around the trailer, beating the racoons off my bed and blackmailing
my mom with videos of her and slimmy making "green eggs and ham"in the wig closet. So feel free to call me at....723-6295
Full Name: Ashlyn Ashanti-melendiz-ball-suckeros-bigmaenz
From: the tralier
Detals: OMG im soo sry i thought this was
was i ever wrong! y did i come to a ninja yea, i was goin to report
that i sow 'dem fiten Ninja 'tins in 'R' doghouse (a.k.a. my moms "Office") they were typing like those typing machines with
the letters n all. Ya sow..... Feel free to call me for a date...maybe a goodnite kiss....or more at 723-6259